Bench Seminar

Building A Monster Bench Press
Presented by Curd Hos
Lifetime Drug Free Lifter
1999 Provincial and National Bench Champion
2008 Provincial Champion
Currently Bench 585 Raw and 675 Shirted
Discover how to increase you bench press a Minimum of 25lbs on your very next workout!
Call 613-830-9300 to register by phone or click the link below to order online
This 3 hour Seminar includes:
Hands on Training work shop ( you’ll actually be working out)
Proper Training Technique
What assistance exercises to use
Determining your real 1 rep max
6 week detailed training program - $75 Value
NeoGenixx Performance Supplement Package - $40 Value
Bench Freak T shirt -$20 Value
In Total a $200 total Value
$75 per person
6 Person Limit
This is Your chance to get some real one on one instruction
I increased my Bench Press 55 lbs today!!
I benched 255 lbs at a body weight of 150!
~ Hugo
Bench Seminar Level 1 Novemeber 26th 2011
My bench went from 315 to 350!!! in 45 minutes!!!
Now I know the real meaning of being "TIGHT!" under the bar.
~ Cam
Bench Seminar Level 1 Novemeber 26th 2011
I added 40 lbs to my bench today!! Thx Curd!!
~ Gerrardo
Bench Seminar Level 1 Novemeber 26th 2011
I really thought this seminar Rocked!!
My bench went from 180 today I did 225
and went on to do 245 with a spot!
Bench Seminar Level 1 Novemeber 26th 2011
I cant believe how great this seminar was!!
I have never benched so heavy!! Thx Curd
~ Pat
Bench Seminar Level 1 Novemeber 26th 2011