Selling Your Used Fitness Equipment has Never Been Easier...
Fitness Warehouse Now Accepts Used Equipment!
How does this process work?
Bring in your used Fitness equipment to us and we sell it for you on consignment.
This option gives you a great return on your goods but you must wait for your item(s) to sell before being paid. We help you set a price and put the item(s) out in our store to try to sell it for you; you get a percentage of the retail value.
We reserve the right to refuse equipment for various reasons including -
- out of season
- excess stock
- does not meet current safety standards
- valid ownership is in question
- age and/or quality is below minimum standards
You must be over 18 years of age with valid photo ID to sell goods at Fitness Warehouse.
Sell From Home With An Online Classified AD!
Get a 1 month listing for $19.99
- Send a digital picture
- Get up to 500 words to describe your piece
Why A Classified Ad with Fitness Warehouse?
- People look to us and our website specifically to find quality Fitness Equipment.
- We place ads in the Ottawa Sun and Ottawa Citizen promoting our used Fitness Equipment Section. You can't get an ad for $20.00 for 1 week let alone 1 month.
- We list our used equipment section in all local For Sale directories.
To enquire about listing or consigning your item contact Nathan: or 613-820-1483